If you do not have Monthly 2 Months

If you do not have Monthly 2 Months
According to statistics , the percentage of women attending a gynecologist with this problem is quite high . Stress and high loads, and as a consequence disruptions in the body , can cause delay menstruation. Therefore, if you are 100 percent sure of the absence of pregnancy , but you do not have monthly 2 months , then the cause may serve many factors . About them we 'll talk .

  • Natural and normal situation where a woman has no monthly two months and even more - it is postpartum and lactation. All the time that a woman will breastfeed , monthly , are likely to be absent or be irregular.
  • This problem often occurs in girls aged 11-15 years, ie then , when it's first menstruation . It is also the norm and not a pathology , but to control the need to visit a gynecologist to rule out possible problems.
  • Menopausal women also can affect the frequency of menstruation , since there is a weakening fertility and ovarian function and ovulation and periods become irregular .
  • Fast weight loss and diet have a lot of stress on the body, causing hormonal failure , so if you do not have monthly 2 months , pay attention to your lifestyle and make adjustments to it . After all, health is more important than the numbers on the scales. Usually when normalizing power and weight , the normal cycle is restored .
  • As little as possible and do not be nervous exposed to extreme stress. This is very common causes of amenorrhea .
  • Unfortunately, genital diseases often affect cycle and periods may be missing more than 2 months. Cyst, uterine fibroids , polycystic , inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes - it is not a complete list of possible causes . Their common feature is not only the absence of menstrual periods , painful but nagging pain in the groin and abdomen.

Absence of menstruation organism gives you a signal to him that something is wrong and you want to think about taking action without delay visiting the doctor .

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