Spotting instead of monthly

Causes spotting instead of monthly lot. Let us examine them in more detail.

Spotting instead of monthly

Age factor.

Girl grows . A sign of growing up are menstruation, menstrual cycle but has not yet been established , ovulate irregularly, therefore scant brown discharge are the norm .

In the period of menopause in women after age 40 , when it begins to decline and fade hormonal ovarian function also appear spotting brown discharge instead of monthly .

These reasons do not need treatment .

The appearance of brownish discharge affects scarce and that a woman living sexuality .

Because they can indicate pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy . And the appearance of such secretions in pregnant as a signal of threatened miscarriage . Allocation are also a consequence of diseases , sexually transmitted diseases.

If a woman is sexually active , there are hormonal disorders , there is inflammation of the uterus , and as a consequence - brown discharge instead of monthly .

Can not be ignored and external factors , such as changes in lifestyle , diet, dramatic weight loss , a change of climate , a lot of stress , excessive exercise , different diet . If spotting instead of monthly for long periods of time , it is necessary to refer to a gynecologist.

After childbirth and breastfeeding woman's body recovered long time, so after a few menstrual cycles may appear brown discharge . This is not a cause for concern. Normal period will come in a few months .

Transferred severe infectious diseases , surgery , reception incorrectly selected contraceptives cause of poisoning become scarce brown discharge instead of monthly .

Do not hesitate, do not pull back his visit to the gynecologist . With hormonal disorders should immediately provide treatment to avoid further complications.

Your health is in your hands.

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