No monthly week test is negative - what it might mean?

No monthly week test is negative - what it might mean

The most common opinion with regards to delayed menstruation - is pregnancy . And it is, indeed , the most common reason . But not always the reason that no periods a week , the test is negative , is pregnancy . There are many reasons that can cause a delay .

  • Abrupt changes in lifestyle , exercise , moving to another climate zone , dramatic weight loss , stress and anxiety . All these seemingly unrelated to menstruation causes delay menstruation can provoke a few days and for a longer period . As soon as life returns to normal menstrual cycle is restored .
  • Hormonal changes can also be the cause of delayed menstruation . In this case, you should consult a doctor to conduct a survey to identify whether the data are not dangerous changes .
  • Women who have given birth and are breastfeeding should not show much concern , if not a week and monthly test is negative . Since lactation in women , an increased level of the hormone prolactin . Therefore, irregular and delayed menstruation during this period is normal.
  • Thyroid disorders and endocrine systems can cause dysfunction of the ovaries, and hence no effect on menstruation. In this case , identify it , will help the doctor - an endocrinologist .
  • Diseases associated with sexual sphere are often the reason for the delay period. Many inflammatory processes , ovarian dysfunction , ovarian , uterine - this is not a complete list. Under these diseases there is not only the absence of menstruation , but also manifest pain symptoms .

Whatever the reason for the delay menstruation, do not put off visiting a doctor - a gynecologist. After all, without a diagnosis, you are unlikely to be able to install this cause .

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