Klebsiella in the newborn baby - symptoms and treatment

Klebsiella in the newborn baby: symptoms and treatment

It often happens that a newborn child is constantly acting up, not sleeping well, his whole appearance indicating that it is a concern. In conjunction with the cramps and loose stools more likely it can be assumed that a child bacteria - Klebsiella.

It is known that Klebsiella in newborns can cause a variety of infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, acute intestinal infections and other ailments that can cause mild form, and with fever, severe intoxication and dehydration, and also with sharp pains in my stomach.

Upon detection of such symptoms in young children is an urgent need to address to experts, in order to avoid unnecessary complications. Treatment is prescribed based on the localization of bacteria and severity of the pathological process. For example, in mild intestinal disorders children are usually assigned probiotics and bacteriophages, antibiotics in this case was rare. In severe forms of pneumonia shows antibacterial therapy.

It is noteworthy that the detection of Klebsiella in newborns does not always lead to the development of the disease. Although this bacterium and can affect various human organs, such as lungs, intestines, conjunctiva, it is considered an opportunistic bacterium and can live quietly in the body is quite healthy children, being one of the components of the normal intestinal microflora. Actively develop and multiply Klebsiella begins when, for whatever reason, causes low immunity of the child. Also, in normal conditions, this bacterium can parasitize on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract or the skin.

Klebsiella found in the human environment: dust, soil, water, and is considered one of the most common hospital-acquired infections. In the body of the bacterium is rod-shaped form, and getting into the environment, more rounded, covered with a special coat - a capsule. Due to this feature, these bacteria are highly resistant to the negative factors and retain great vitality.

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