Best Coping With a New Baby Tips for Parents

Best Coping With a New Baby Tips for Parents 

Instead of overwhelming your new child with a large celebration when you bring. Is anyone's past experiences causing them difficulty in coping with the new situation? Here are some tips by Relate guide Elizabeth Martyn to help you cope with the shock of a newborn baby.

Anger is commonly experienced by new mothers who feel angry at their baby for not cooperating, angry at their partner for not helping enough and even just for feeling angry in the first place. Taking yourself out of the situation, even just for an hour, can help soothe your nerves. Read: What is Diarrhea and Vomiting

Don’t worry if you don’t feel a bond with your baby immediately. For some this can take time and happen gradually, but it will happen. Don’t bottle up your feelings. Talk to your partner, friends and family – chances are they many of them will have experienced similar feelings themselves. Read: Tummy time for your newborn Tummy

Loss of routine
Take practical steps, such as stocking up on frozen meals, and cutting down on non-essential tasks. Accept all offers of help from friends and family for jobs such as ironing, supermarket runs or anything else that would come in handy. Know that the tiny baby phase will be short lived, and in a few months your baby will be sitting up, playing and starting to feed at a reasonable hour. Read: Most Ideas Bed Rails For Toddlers

Crying babies
Work with your partner and take turns in looking after your crying baby. When it’s not your turn try not to hover – get away from the noise and if needed go out and get some fresh air. Get help by asking a friend, relative or someone you trust to look after your baby for an hour to give you a break. Read: How To Raise A Baby ?

Sleepless nights
Be kind to your partner and be aware that loss of sleep causes frayed tempers. Ask friends with children for tips on getting babies off to sleep – you never know, they could work a treat for your newborn. Read: Baby Skin Care

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