How to wear a baby on her hip

How to wear a baby on her hip

Child wear "on the hip" - the most comfortable position. At busy moms just one arm, and the second hand is free. Baby on her hip and can be worn for a long time while engaged in household chores, this method is completely safe for both mother and child.

On hip kids wear is recommended with about three or four months of age , as in this situation is difficult to control the baby's head and his fledgling back . Over time , wearing kid " on the hip " promotes the proper formation of the hip joint and muscular corset child. All mums need to know how to carry a baby on her hip and learn how to wear a baby in this position .

Carry a child on her hip start slowly . The mother takes the baby in his arms, talking , smiling at him , movements should be smooth . One hand mother child support for the back , pressed him to her. Toddler legs bent and spread apart , he hugs mom legs , back flat, knees up his ass baby and are on the same level , one handle should be in front and the other behind the waist. Stick to the leg , which is behind the first 3-4 weeks worn on the thigh . The baby is not able to keep , so starts to crawl . Let it slide a bit and return it to its original position , so the baby learns self bow legs mom. Being in a position on the hip , the child learns to coordinate their motion arms and legs , the first time mums need to support it.

All mothers need to know that to prevent curvature of the spine , the child is required to wear both on the left and on the right thigh same amount of time .

With each day gradually increasing the time , you will feel right " fit " of the child , he himself would have automatically embrace your feet and keep the handles for clothing.

What if the kid handles stretches forward?

This is unacceptable behavior baby. Must make it clear to him that you can not do so . For this purpose it is necessary to take the baby mama under his arm and a little reproach you, in this case , the baby will be very uncomfortable, he gradually wean stretching forward handle.

What if the child does not want to keep feet on the thigh ?

If you keep it in this position for a long time , then maybe your kid is tired and makes it clear that he was tired in this position . It should not be long to wear on the hip the first time. Change your position or lower the baby on the floor if he is able to walk .

What if the child does not want to stay on the hip of any handles or legs ?

In this case, you must give your baby a little slip that he could not understand , so that it can fall .

What if the baby babbles arms and legs all the time and turns ?

Do not worry , your child has already mastered the pose worn on the thigh and fully trusts you . If mom gives concern such behavior , it is necessary to limit it , otherwise it may fall .

Dear Momma ! Do not be afraid to learn this way of wearing a baby. Little time and patience and you will succeed .

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