How to get a good healthy bedroom

 We know that it is very important to rest well at night to recover all the energy and the body to regenerate and rebalance. But it is essential, in addition to exercise, avoid stress, eat healthy, etc.., Where it rests, ie the bedroom.

A good clean air

For the bedroom air is as clean as possible , you can put a plant in it. Just do not serve any plant, as some may reach steal oxygen.  This plant manages to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen at night. Ideally placed two tall plants to purify the air in addition to the bedroom , will provide a green color that help balance us .


The house , as they say , is a reflection of the inside of each person. The bedroom in particular , being the place where it rests , must convey serenity and clarity and for that we should dispense with fill of objects and furniture. We must try to be only the essentials and some other decorative element , but there always respecting empty spaces and of course, this always tidy .


Although the ideal is that the bedroom has natural light , if not possible you can play with lamps that provide much warmth as Himalayan salt lamps , as their orange light is very warm and relaxing .


From appearing mites and of course for a cozy space , you should ventilate the room daily , leaving if possible, the sun acts directly in places where there may be mites, ie the parts that accumulate heat and moisture as sheets, curtains, mattresses, pillows , comforters , etc. .

When heat or even the break comes , you can leave open Ventada hours , placing a pre- screened or leaving the blinds lowered. So ventilation is continuous and not have that feeling that usually appears closed in the mornings.


According to experts , we should not have a mirror in the bedroom because it alters the energies needed to promote the night's rest. If you have one can try to cover it overnight and see if it makes a difference , especially if you have sleep problems. In any case it would be ideal to place in another part of the house where other might be more beneficial.

The bed looking north

Another key to recover and rest well is that the headboard be directed north . If it is impossible the provision of bed this way , you can find another direction, but always avoiding placing south , as is the option that is most damaging energy to recharge overnight.

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