Do you Produce junk food Depression?

Do you Produce junk food Depression

It has recently come to light a study linking the consumption of "junk" foods (pizzas, burgers, donuts, etc..) At risk for depression, which draws attention: perhaps can we eat affect the brain as to produce a disorder?

Here I will try to give a more plausible explanation for these results from psychology. In my opinion, the key here is not so much junk food in itself and everything around to junk food: the lifestyle it entails.

The same authors point out that those who ate more junk food tended to be less active, have poorer dietary pattern, smoking more, work more than 45 hours per week and have no partner. It seems much more plausible that this cluster of factors influencing long term mood of the sufferer, rather than any substance that may contain junk food.

Ie, given a more sedentary life, lonely, with more job stress, is relatively easy to display a depressive state. And this lifestyle very well with the consumption of fast food: having little time, not bothering to cook, eat only ... are factors that facilitate certain types of food.

It is not entirely ruled out that some nutrients have an effect on mood, but you relativize: the lifestyle factors have a much greater impact in facilitating a depression that substances are ingested. In fact, psychological treatment for depression is largely about changing such habits and encourage more active and social life.

Therefore, some caution when reading the headlines: Sometimes finding a screaming headline hides a slightly more complex and nuanced story.

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