One may take a lounge procedures in industrial quantities harass creams and masks, but without proper nutrition will not be confused, because the beauty starts from within.Here is a list super foods and universal tips for healthy and beautiful skin
1. Butter
Note that even the most committed vegans lean on so-called ghee - Ayurvedic panacea. Cell membranes consist of fat, and we will not be able to "persuade" them to change the saturated animal fats to a beautiful bottle of olive oil. A reasonable amount of good butter or ghee will not harm any vessels or figure, and in return we get a good elastic skin turgid.
2 . Olive oil
Now more about the vessels : a healthy complexion and radiance living is impossible without good blood circulation , which directly depends on the strength of the heart muscle , purity and elasticity of the walls of our blood vessels. Come to the aid of olive oil fatty acids , which are washed and literally pumped life entire cardiovascular system. Characteristic bitterness of olive oil indicates the presence in the composition oleokantala , powerful antioxidants that can not only delay the aging of the skin , but the impoverishment of the mind. As a bonus, is a stimulation of biliary tract and substantial support for the liver, which is also reflected in the excellent skin color (and not only !) .
3 . Coconut oil
Universal product that is useful not only applied to the skin and hair, but also to eat . Coconut oil is not only solves the global skin problems (dryness , sagging , peeling ), but also has a positive effect on the immune system and metabolism, improving the overall condition of the body in systemic diseases , atopic and viral lesions . Important addition : it is one of the few oils that can be heated . So if you are against the advice of nutritionists, decided to bake or fry something , then the choice is to stop it in coconut oil.
4. Water
All moisturizers and serums aimed at keeping moisture skin cells: the lack of fluid these cells simply have nothing to hold. In fact, this point you have to put in the epigraph, because a normal hydration - is the key to beauty.
5. Sardines and other fatty fish
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, creating the thinnest barrier layer on the skin, increasing its resistance to external aggression. Fatty acids also soothe inflammation - external and internal (neither one nor the other, as you know, we do not add beauty).
6. Oysters
Only 10 grams of wild oysters provide 100% of the RDA of zinc. Zinc - a real photoshop for skin: reduces inflammation, prevents acne and other "evil" helps in the absorption of vitamin E - the main talisman of our youth.
7. Dandelion
Catch the moment! Certainly not worth collecting dandelions in city parks, but nature is a sin not to take advantage of the free first aid kit. Dandelion has serious cleaning properties - add it to salads with arugula or favorite instead.
8. Kefir
Without good digestion beautiful skin does not happen. And our main national product - is not borsch, a precisely kefir. It supplies the intestines superpoleznymi tenacious bacteria that provide optimum enzymatic balance and self synthesize the necessary vitamins for the skin. In general, the glass on the whole night - a must!
9. Oats
Oatmeal - one of the most useful products for health. Oatmeal is ideal for normalization of digestion , as a source of insoluble fiber , and so-called balm for the stomach. In addition, it can be used as a separate ingredient of beauty - in a coffee grinder of cereal can cook the perfect scrub . It can simply be mixed into the daily cleanser , and if you add crushed dry parsley there - will be means for aligning the soft color .
10. Citrus
Vitamin C - one of the main vitamins youth of our skin. No wonder cosmetic brands often add it in the anti-aging serums and creams. Regular consumption of oranges and grapefruits - just one glass of fresh juice in the morning - significantly increase the elasticity of the skin, improve complexion and slow down the aging process. Extra bonus - a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day.
1. Butter
Note that even the most committed vegans lean on so-called ghee - Ayurvedic panacea. Cell membranes consist of fat, and we will not be able to "persuade" them to change the saturated animal fats to a beautiful bottle of olive oil. A reasonable amount of good butter or ghee will not harm any vessels or figure, and in return we get a good elastic skin turgid.
2 . Olive oil
Now more about the vessels : a healthy complexion and radiance living is impossible without good blood circulation , which directly depends on the strength of the heart muscle , purity and elasticity of the walls of our blood vessels. Come to the aid of olive oil fatty acids , which are washed and literally pumped life entire cardiovascular system. Characteristic bitterness of olive oil indicates the presence in the composition oleokantala , powerful antioxidants that can not only delay the aging of the skin , but the impoverishment of the mind. As a bonus, is a stimulation of biliary tract and substantial support for the liver, which is also reflected in the excellent skin color (and not only !) .
3 . Coconut oil
Universal product that is useful not only applied to the skin and hair, but also to eat . Coconut oil is not only solves the global skin problems (dryness , sagging , peeling ), but also has a positive effect on the immune system and metabolism, improving the overall condition of the body in systemic diseases , atopic and viral lesions . Important addition : it is one of the few oils that can be heated . So if you are against the advice of nutritionists, decided to bake or fry something , then the choice is to stop it in coconut oil.
4. Water
All moisturizers and serums aimed at keeping moisture skin cells: the lack of fluid these cells simply have nothing to hold. In fact, this point you have to put in the epigraph, because a normal hydration - is the key to beauty.
5. Sardines and other fatty fish
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, creating the thinnest barrier layer on the skin, increasing its resistance to external aggression. Fatty acids also soothe inflammation - external and internal (neither one nor the other, as you know, we do not add beauty).
6. Oysters
Only 10 grams of wild oysters provide 100% of the RDA of zinc. Zinc - a real photoshop for skin: reduces inflammation, prevents acne and other "evil" helps in the absorption of vitamin E - the main talisman of our youth.
7. Dandelion
Catch the moment! Certainly not worth collecting dandelions in city parks, but nature is a sin not to take advantage of the free first aid kit. Dandelion has serious cleaning properties - add it to salads with arugula or favorite instead.
8. Kefir
Without good digestion beautiful skin does not happen. And our main national product - is not borsch, a precisely kefir. It supplies the intestines superpoleznymi tenacious bacteria that provide optimum enzymatic balance and self synthesize the necessary vitamins for the skin. In general, the glass on the whole night - a must!
9. Oats
Oatmeal - one of the most useful products for health. Oatmeal is ideal for normalization of digestion , as a source of insoluble fiber , and so-called balm for the stomach. In addition, it can be used as a separate ingredient of beauty - in a coffee grinder of cereal can cook the perfect scrub . It can simply be mixed into the daily cleanser , and if you add crushed dry parsley there - will be means for aligning the soft color .
10. Citrus
Vitamin C - one of the main vitamins youth of our skin. No wonder cosmetic brands often add it in the anti-aging serums and creams. Regular consumption of oranges and grapefruits - just one glass of fresh juice in the morning - significantly increase the elasticity of the skin, improve complexion and slow down the aging process. Extra bonus - a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day.
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