What if White or Yellow Cheesy Discharge in Women ?

What if White or Yellow Cheesy Discharge in Women
Whether rightly worried woman if finds a white cheesy discharge odorless ? What allocation can be considered the norm, and in which pathology ? Answers to these questions would like to know every woman .

During the menstrual cycle produced by allocating different nature : abundant stretching - before ovulation and scarce creamy - before and after menstruation. Copious also observed for several hours after unprotected intercourse , which is also the norm. The main requirement is that the allocation had a strange consistency or unpleasant smell that almost always indicates the presence of disease in women .

Especially a woman notices white cheesy discharge odorless , often accompanied by other concomitants : burning, itching , pulling pain in the abdomen. Almost always, we are talking about the presence of vaginal candidiasis or common - thrush.

Candida fungi present in small amounts in the mucous membranes of almost every human body and do not cause him any harm and anxiety , while dominated by beneficial bacteria flora . But in certain situations , when immunity weakens the body ( hormonal drugs and antibiotics , stress, pregnancy, diabetes ) sharply increases their growth , which leads to the appearance of yeast , which is accompanied by white or yellow cheesy discharge odorless.

The shape manifestations distinguish candidiasis in the acute stage , and in the chronic form of the disease in carriers . The main signs are manifested precisely in the acute stage of the disease during the first two months, and over time can wear off and the disease becomes chronic . It candidiasis and chronic form revealed by random inspection in most women . It happens so that the woman is a carrier of the fungus in the normal state, they did not show themselves , but we must remember that in this case it is possible contamination thrush sexual partner.

Treatment cheesy white discharge should be exactly in the acute stage of the disease until it is well treated . Based on the results of smear appointed antifungal preparations and supporting microflora and immunity.

For the prevention of candidiasis must follow personal hygiene ( right to wash and wipe after using the toilet ) , preserving a healthy immune system, as well as visit the gynecologist is not only when the heavy white cheesy discharge , but also as prophylaxis at least twice a year.

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