Psychological Benefits of Exercise

Psychological Benefits of Exercise
 One of the first questions I usually do as a psychologist when I have a sad or depressed person ahead is to start exploring the leisure time. Things to do with your free time, what their hobbies, interests, lifestyle, and especially in the field of sport are. Exercise is very important to maintain a good psychological balance for these reasons among others:

Benefits of Exercise :

1. You can increase your social life.
We must realize that interacting with others is very important. If we feel that we have few friends or that although we have the relationship with them is unsatisfactory , go to the gym or any sports center we can offer the opportunity to meet new people and future satisfying relationships .

2 . Certain substances called endorphins which are natural drugs in the body, that make us feel good are released. In this sad or apathetic release of substances that can increase mood without medication in some cases people.

3 . Increase self-esteem. Often depending on the exercise and we're putting small goals that we have to overcome in order to advance . These goals can be established considering our starting point and go from there progress or compete with a friend or partner who does not stimulate the challenges and feel better when they overcome ?

4 . Get in shape. If exercise is well done and there is a track by a professional who helps us achieve our goals gradually see results of our efforts . Notice how gradually our body will look more like the idea we have in our heads of how we'd like it

5. Fends off anxiety. First, because we can increase self enl we have of our own body and detect when this tense and nervous so we can act to relax and liberate tension in second because the exercise itself

6. To work the body helps psychologically are more focused and rested and we function better in the workplace

7. It helps us to important
values ​​such as perseverance, effort and perseverance are present in our lives through the sport that must be put into practice.

8. In children and adolescents can help prevent other types of entertainment that involves more risks such as alcohol and drugs in the adolescent stage

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