Can go Monthly in Early Pregnancy?

Can go Monthly in Early Pregnancy? 

Often pregnant women are concerned the question whether to go monthly in early pregnancy ?

In the early stages of monthly as such can not be, but may be similar allocation , they differ from a regular period the number and duration : these emissions should not be heavy and last no longer than three days. If the first few months of pregnancy are accompanied by spotting , which coincide with the usual time of menstruation, it may be due to hormonal deficiency , and detachment of the ovum (it is harmless only if a small detachment , otherwise it may be miscarriage ) .

Why during pregnancy can not be monthly ?
Menstruation - is the periodic bleeding of the uterus, in which there is no fruit , that is , monthly arise precisely because there is no pregnancy , during pregnancy as there is lack of critical days (or amenorrhea) . It must be so . If during childbearing came the so-called monthly, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause of bleeding . Causes of such bleeding may be several.
Injuries of the vagina and cervix

A small amount of blood (literally a few drops) can occur due to mechanical damage of the vagina or cervix . Such minor damage can be caused by sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist , pap smears during the inspection , cervical ectopic . If the appearance of blood after an isolated case of such an event , do not worry .

Threatened miscarriage, miscarriage started
 Miscarriage is not necessarily accompanied by pain, it might just be bleeding without causing too much discomfort, however, in case of bleeding in the first place it is always suspect. The reasons can be many, so the threat of miscarriage patient should be in a hospital bed rest and sexual rest.

Ectopic pregnancy

This is probably the most dangerous and serious cause of bleeding in early pregnancy . Allocation may be viscous , spreadable and not accompanied by additional symptoms ( pain ) . If this pathology, the sooner it will be recognized , the better. Ectopic pregnancy is treated only by surgical intervention and the consequences associated with many factors (time , state of the organ in which the developing fetus , etc.) .

Therefore, if you ever ask whether to go monthly in early pregnancy , answer unequivocally "no" and advised to see a doctor urgently . Take care of yourself !

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