Fast Powerfulness and Sharpness Fitness Style

Fast Powerfulness and Sharpness The best three types of you fitness. If you’re going for greatest outcomes, in the shortest time possible, here is an insanely difficult usual that will give you the slashes.

Fast Powerfulness and Sharpness Fitness Style

Day 1: Powerfulness
Bent Over Row – As a warm up exercise
4 sets of 12 repetitions
Explosive Clean & Press – It is important to explode into the upward movement
4 sets of 10 repetitions
Chin Ups – A very effective compound exercise working multiple muscle areas at the same time, great for building power
4 sets of 10 repetitions

Day 2: Fastness and Sharpness
Sprints – set two distances of 30 metres and 40 metres
5 sets of 30 metre sprints
5 sets of 40 metre sprints
Rest for 1 minute between sets and 2 minutes betdistance distance change.
Squat Lunges – Explode into the upward movement, driving your body upwards lifting each foot off of the floor at a time. Land soft.
4 sets of 10 repetitions
4 sets of 10 repetitions

Day 3: Powerfulness and Fastness
Bend Over Rows – use as a warm up for Day 3

3 Sets of 12 Repetitions
Explosive Bench Press – Lower the bar down slowly and then explode upwards, driving the weight upwards at speed, if you are using a spotter it is possible to let the bar come away from your hands and then catch the bar on the way down and returning to your chest in a slow and controlled movement.

4 sets of 10 repetitions
Jump two steps at a time, running upwards at top speed – for added speed and agility try to land on the same spot on the steps throughout the climb.
2 minutes exercise, 30 seconds rest, for a max of 30 minutes or until fail

Day 4: Rest
Rest day

Day 5: Powerfulness
Repeat day 1

Day 6: Fastness and Sharpness
Repeat day 2

Day 7: Powerfulness and Fastness
Repeat day 3

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