Beauty Queen Jennifer Lopez Workout and Dieting Secrets

Beauty Queen Jennifer Lopez Workout Secrets

Jennifer Lopez was the "Most Beautiful Woman" in the world in 2011 by People magazine. How does she maintain her gorgeous figure? As reported, she "eats mostly lean meat and vegetable for lunch and dinner" which is essentially how and what we eat when we adopt any low carbohydrate diet and approach.

Jennifer Lopez Cool J even has his own book that reveals how he eat low carbohydrate and combined with his workout program and achieve his "platinum body".

Beauty Queen Jennifer Lopez Workout Secrets

1: Hold the back of a chair with both hands. The non-working leg should be placed back away from chair, and balancing on toe.

2: Pull working leg into chair back keeping body straight and leaning forward. Push body away from the chair, tucking knee into chest by curving the back, then extend leg high to the ceiling as the working hand reaches to touch the ground. Should finish with working leg up in the air and working hand on the floor.

Beauty Queen Jennifer Lopez Dieting Secrets 
  • DON’T STOP EATING - Jennifer’s number one rule is not to starve herself, just to lose weight. Starving helps you to lose energy and not fat. She understood this long time back that size zero is an out-dated concept and once anyone gets that into her mind, then the rest of the journey will be just as easy.
  • A RICH 5 TIME DIET - When it comes to nutrition, Jennifer does not like to compromise. Hence, she eats the right things at the right time. From coffee and turkey to grilled chicken and poached salmon fillets to non-fat cottage cheese and prawns-she has it all and all this, in a day.
  • DON’T BE GREEDY - The actress says she is not obsessive about eating but makes sure that she has what she loves. She just keeps herself in check and yet she eats carbs, meat, fast foods and even chocolate chip cookies. Her understanding is that everyone has a pre-programmed genetic structure related foods. Obesity occurs when you eat something not in line with your genes and hence, Jennifer eats all that her Hispanic genes allow her to.
  • PROTEIN AND FLUIDS - Jennifer’s diet primarily consists of consuming lots of proteins through meat and Soya foods. Proteins help in keeping the body the way it is by quickly repairing dying cells and hence slowing down the aging process. Water too, with minerals in it, helps in giving a glow to your face and refreshing and cleansing your body internally.
What workout tips do you recommend for getting toned abs like J.Lo? Let us know in the comments section below!

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