Month after Dilatation and Curettage: When should be normal?

Curettage is performed not only for those women who want to get rid of an unplanned pregnancy and women who have had a miscarriage or missed abortion , but also in medical purposes .

Curettage is performed not only for those women who want to get rid of an unplanned pregnancy and women who have had a miscarriage or missed abortion , but also in medical purposes . In any case, after this kind of intervention the body takes time to recover. Many women who have undergone this type of intervention , worried about that as soon as possible all the body back to normal , including the menstrual cycle, and very carefully this is followed . So let us know when normal monthly must come after dilatation and curettage . Every case is different , but some common features , definitely there .

First month after curettage , usually come on day 28-32 after cleaning , ie in about as many days as usually lasts a month cycle . If curettage was performed solely for diagnostic purposes in non-pregnant women , the hormones are usually not disturbed. In such cases, delayed menstruation improbable .

Surgical abortion in contrast, may be the reason that a month will come sooner or delayed, as the hormonal background needs time to recover.

Normally, if the month after dilatation and curettage is no different from a regular period. Color, intensity discharge must be such as they were before scraping.

But, unfortunately, can not be excluded, when an irregular menstruation. What can serve as the probable cause of such violations?

Any interference in the body , including scraping, may be a potential hazard , as it can start an inflammatory process and as a consequence , the menstrual cycle. If the bleeding started within a few days after the dilatation and curettage , an urgent need to see a doctor because it may indicate inflammation.

Knowing when to start month after curettage , you'll notice during the breach and take appropriate measures . Pay attention to the accompanying signals , such as increased pain , fever , because they usually are signs of disturbance in the body .

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