Sweet Chia and Coconut Milk Yummy Recipes

Sweet Chia and Coconut Milk Yummy Recipes

4 cups water
1 1/2 – 2 cups organic shredded coconut
Heat water until hot (but not boiling).
Add shredded coconut and water to blender
If all of the water won’t fit, you can add it in two batches.
Blend on high for several minutes until thick and creamy.
Pour through a colander to filter out the coconut pulp, then squeeze through a cheese cloth or nut milk bag.
If you separated the water into two batches, put the strained coconut back into the blender with the second batch of water.
Use immediately or store in the fridge. Fresh coconut milk should be used within 3-4 days of making it for the best flavor and texture.
Note: If using fresh coconut use 100g – 300g coconut meat, brown skin removed, broken into small pieces and add coconut water equal to approximately three times the weight of your coconut.

Recipe: Chia Pudding

1 cup organic coconut cream or milk
1/4 cup organic chia seeds
1/4 cup organic dark agave syrup or coconut palm sugar
1/2 tsp organic vanilla extract
Mix well to combine and let sit for about an hour, or place in the fridge overnight. This makes a great breakfast or dessert. You should have seen the smiles when I added coarsely chopped macadamias and gojii berries! Be creative and have a play with this pudding, raw cacao or other berries could also be stirred in depending on your taste.
Well, the breakfast crisis is over, on to the next uncooked meal!

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