Some Deadly Sins

 Have Affairs
Romantic relationships and powerful marriages would like the foundations of fidelity and trust. Having AN affair or a relationship with any individual World Health Organization is outside the connection can destroy each. you can not share your body with another and expect it to own no touching on your romantic relationship together with your mate or partner.

Lies destroy trust. Even a little lie about how you really look when you talk online could destroy your hopes of building a relationship when you meet. A lie to your partner or spouse means you do not trust your lover with your thoughts. Lies can be insidious and may seem harmless at first, like not telling your husband what you spent on that dress, but one lie tends to lead to another, and lies can destroy relationships.

 Play the Blame Game
The blame game is about pointing the finger at your partner or spouse for every little thing that goes wrong. “I’ve caught a cold and it’s your fault for leaving the window open.” When you start every conversation with “You did xxx,” or say, “It’s your fault,” so often it becomes a habit; you will find yourself slowly destroying your relationship.

Marry Your Work
You do need to spend time with your lover to make the relationship work. Starting work at 6am every morning, finishing at 10pm, and consistently working on weekends does not give you any time to be with your lover. Half an hour’s snatched conversation and a quick cuddle before dropping off into an exhausted sleep is not a relationship. If you want your relationship to work, you need to invest time into it.

 Yell and Scream
When you cannot have a calm conversation with your spouse or partner without having an argument, your relationship is definitely on the path of destruction. Even when you are angry, it is important that you talk calmly to your lover rather than yell and scream at each other.

 Tune Out
Tuning out and not listening to your lover is a sure fire way to kill your relationship. Trying to have an in depth conversation during a football game is impossible. Turn off the television and sit facing your lover to enjoy real conversation.

 Discuss Past Mistakes
Continuously bringing up past mistakes your spouse or partner has made is not conducive to building a strong relationship for the future. Bringing up the past says you have not truly forgiven your partner for the errors. You are deliberately hurting your lover by continuing to dwell on those mistakes.

Avoid the seven deadly sins that will kill any romance in your relationship. Lying, discussing past mistakes, tuning out, and yelling or screaming will destroy the romance in your relationship. Marrying your work or having affairs will both kill the relationship as these are just different forms of infidelity. The blame game is not fair and destroys the trust and joy in the relationship. If you want romance to blossom in your relationship, eschew the some deadly sins of relationships.

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