5 Simple Relationship Panic

From a young age the standard ‘life path’ is mapped out for us. Go to school. Go to college. Go travelling or a find a job. Date a few boys and go out to parties. But when we hit our late twenties, everything changes. Suddenly new responsibilities are expected and friends, colleagues and cousins are busy getting hitched. Due to the pressure of their biological clock, some women are tempted to enter relationships for the wrong reasons. How do you avoid succumbing to the late twenties panic and ignore the critics?

1. Make new friends
If all your friends are in long term relationships or planning weddings, it can be tough being the odd one out. But even if you feel like you’re the only single girl left, you definitely won’t be. Whether it’s through new activities or social networking sites like Twitter, make an effort to meet new people to go out with. It doesn’t mean you have to stop seeing your coupled up friends, it just gives you the freedom to carry on living your single life.

2. Don’t rush new relationships
If you’re keen to have a family, it can be tempting to rush your new relationships. But dating is about getting to know a new person, not running down the aisle. Marriages are meant to last forever and if you’re only 28, that could be a very long time together. Make sure you’re 100% sure you’re making the right decision and not rushing into because you feel like it’s the right time.

3. Travel
If you’re single, make the most of it. You can sit around moping because all your friends are getting married or you can live life to the full. Book holidays abroad, accept new opportunities and generally enjoy yourself.

4. Don’t settle
If you’ve been with someone a while but you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to break off the relationship. Even if people expect you to get married because you’re the right ‘age’, it doesn’t mean it’s the right decision for you. If your heart’s not really with your partner, don’t make excuses because it feels like bad timing, just leave.

5. Be happy for friends
Whilst it’s great to meet new people, don’t distance yourself from engaged or married people. You might be feeling jealous of their relationship success or left out by ‘couples nights out’ but don’t push them away. Bitterness will only breed more resentment so when your friends announce engagements, wedding and pregnancies be sure to offer your sincere congratulations.

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