When the heat comes in all I think it's about being in the sun either to walk, sit or lie on the beach. But before preparing the bags for those unwanted holiday, it is recommended to prepare the skin to sunlight. Find out more.


First Step

The first thing to do is exfoliate, ie clean it properly and eliminate impurities that has been subjected every day during the winter months. For this you can use an exfoliant already bought or make your own with a little sugar, oats and honey. In any case be applied throughout the body in a homogeneous manner, but especially on the shoulders and face. Thus dead cells disappear and space to a completely new skin will be left.

Second Step

The second step is to provide deep hydration brightness and softness to the skin. Yes, we must take special care in choosing creams as they are not equal those to be used for the face for the rest of the body.

Third Step

Is to follow a proper diet. Nothing will serve to exfoliate and moisturize the skin if the inside is not cared for. In this case the foods that are rich in carbon ideals, such as apricots, melons, carrots and tomatoes as they stimulate the synthesis of melanin and help achieve a more even tan. It is advised to consume every morning fasting a glass with lemon juice and water.

Last Step

It is important to get some color before jumping into the pool or sea. This will add a little sunshine to the daily routine. Either with UVA or just a short break in the park to take to get some color every day will suffice. In any case we suggest the use of makeup or self-tanning creams to get the desired color touch because all you get is temporary and turn away glow to the skin and clog pores.

Note that on cloudy days the sun's rays are also present, so often the most dangerous, since not realize it may not stay longer outdoors and get burned. In no case should leave out the sunscreen and go gradually incorporating increasingly low factor. It should start high and go one example changing it every fortnight.

Remember that burns on the skin, besides being quite annoying, can be quite dangerous so you have to be very careful and incorporate a certain habits gradually tanning to look pretty this holiday.

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