How the cold affects your skin

With low temperatures your skin is more sensitive? Do not worry there is a direct relationship between the cold and redness of your dermis.

The skin is the protective system of your body. When there are drastic temperature changes, she puts her bit to maintain constant body heat. How Come? When cold constricts your capillaries (vasoconstriction), while when in heated environments vasodilation, which is the opposite effect. This process saves skin in your memory when you get to face the most extreme situations. The conclusion is that abrupt changes make your skin capillaries have different calibers.

How the cold affects your skin

Redness ... Sure you're tired of reindeer Rudolf apparently. And although it may appear at the neckline, neck or hands, red spots (telangiectasias) are likely to occur mainly in the nose (sometimes also on the cheekbones and cheeks). They are dilated vascular structures that eventually will put darker (as attacks increase). The areas may suffer dehydration or burn easily are those that are more braces and are more likely to "blush".

The thin dermis is the most affected. This skin type is characterized by a weaker shield (almost no fat, no water film) so any aggression seems more terrible in them than in normal skin. If this barrier is more delicate, everything irritates you can more easily penetrate and affect small water reserves you have. Moreover, the lack of a sebaceous glands does not adequately lubricate or correct hydration levels are maintained, by what may appear dilated capillaries or more redness.

What to do? The key to surviving with dignity to the effects of cold is that you take care skin every day (not just occasionally). Do it with cleaning formulas adapted to it, which are not aggressive; with antis-era and treatment creams, nourish and hydrate the water to achieve while existing in the dermis does not leak ... Try to avoid drastic temperature changes (the very high heating greatly dry your dermis and, with both in and out you goin to your body ...). Nor separate yourself from a thermal water spray to help you establish the balance of the face at any time. Another option? You can stop by a medical facility and inform treatments pulsed laser light that help you reduce the effects of sun on your skin.

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