6 Signs You're Not Working Out Hard Enough

Although any physical activity is better than none, some training programs are better than others if we refer to effectiveness.

While you think you're doing a good workout and reading a magazine while pedaling, the truth is that if you go with makeup intact after training, more than likely you're not training enough.

But a fresh face after training is not the only sign that tells you how was your training. If you see that your training does not work perhaps for these reasons:

6 Signs You're Not Working Out Hard Enough

1. Monitor your heart rate

Whether on a cardio machine or doing HIIT, your pulse should be between 75% of your maximum frequency, and 100%. The best way to find these values is, of course, with a heart rate monitor (do not be scared that there are very very cheap), which will tell you in real time how much is your pulse.

Some people think that sweat is the only indicator that has worked hard while know that depends on the person. Some people are more prone to sweat and those who do rarely.

2. You can hold a conversation

An entertaining talk with a partner is good choice to hang out, but not if you want to lose weight. To put it easier, if you can hold a conversation during your training means that you are not training enough. Short sentences, perhaps, but if you can sing the song playing at that time then it is time to push a little more.

3. You are not charged the next day

A good way to know if you've worked hard enough is wait 24 hours and see how you feel. When you train produced small micro tears in your muscle fibers. After auto repair your muscles and become stronger. In short, the day after your workout should feel you've trained (and not mean you have to have people think shoelaces as piggy bank).

4. You are training at the same intensity

After following day after day the same training plan, your body has gotten used to it and no longer evolves. You no longer feel so tired the next day and even get bored of always the same and therefore low intensity. If you want to gain muscle try adding more reps, sets, or change the exercises. If you do cardio try to do different intervals, try to run faster in some sections or switch to the series some days of the week.

As your body is always adapted to new stimuli, you should certainly get used to what you're doing.

5. Do not do cross-training

Do not just change the intensity of your training but also the type of training. Be creative. If you always do the same sets of squats and curl it every day are probably creating imbalances in your body.

If you're a runner adds weight a few days, and if you're weight adds some yoga or pilates to help your body to meet new limits of strength and flexibility. No need to do everything at once, but try to force your body to do what is not used.

6. Do not see physical changes

This is clear if you see us result then is that something is wrong. After all, how long did it take to get the body you have now? But if you've been watching what you eat and being consistent in your training for a few months and have not seen a single physical change, then you should redirect your training.

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