Read the headline of the Daily Mail: "If looks could kill, the executive vice president of Sony Pictures would be dead." This headline referred to the first meeting between one of the most powerful Hollywood stars, Angelina Jolie, and one of the most powerful women in the global film industry (including Hollywood), Amy Pascal. The story of hatred between the two women has its one. In this world in which we live where there is no mail or text message, which is not 'stolen' by dedicated hackers, and that has happened to Sony Pictures. The mails of its executives were hacked and subsequently published on Gawker, a website much given to publish stolen emails and emails.
However, in the post Amy Pascal were discovered that the vice president of Sony qualified to Angelina Jolie as an actress "with minimal talent for acting" a "spoiled child not really know why", and a "ego very violent ". The mail was addressed Amy Pascal privately film producer Scott Rubin.
Besides the famous Friend Angelina Jolie, is published other one which described the actor Kevin Hart as "whore" by another Sony executive wanting to charge more money promoting one of his films that have claimed more than 3 million euros.
The first meeting between Amy Pascal and Angelina Jolie was held in New York last week, during a breakfast fundraiser for an NGO. The photograph of the encounter between the two women was one of the most wanted by the US press. It is not known what they talked about, although they seem to have had a private meeting between the two. Sony Pictures, nothing more knowing that their accounts had been hacked Post apologized to all those affected by the comments poured in these emails, including some in which it became clear the "racist" like President Barack Obama on the type of movies you like to watch him and the First Lady.
In any case, no one is aware that Angelina Jolie has decided to leave the theater to focus on a project director of a film, with her husband Brad Pitt as the protagonist. The undoubted success of the couple 'Brangelina', according to experts, has more to do by the genius of it on camera and eccentricities of it out of the camera, rather than its quality as an actress. Now we will see what the result of his work as a director.
Sourced By: Fun2funi
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