Many people skinnier than they think ..

Many people skinnier than they think ..
The study involved more than 5 thousand. Man. The procedure for the study consisted of two phases. At the first stage, participants were asked to estimate the figure looks by selecting the most appropriate icon: underweight, normal weight, overweight, obesity, morbid obesity.

In the second step the user is asked to enter your height and weight, then the system performs calculations of BMI (body mass index). In terms of BMI was determined, whether normal weight participants.

Border BMI were standard:

  • underweight - a BMI of 18.5;
  • healthy weight - BMI 18,6-24,9;
  • overweight - a BMI of 25-29.9;
  • obesity - BMI 30-39,5;
  • morbid obesity - a BMI over 40.

Only 48% of women correctly assess the type of the figure. Among all rated themselves wrong the vast majority of participants (80%) attributed themselves overweight. For example, a lady with a normal, according to calculations, BMI believed that their excess weight or even claimed the obesity.

Men correctly evaluated themselves more often than women, these participants was about 55%. Moreover, among those who rated themselves biased, there were more participants who considered that their weight is less than in reality.

65% of men identified themselves as thinner than on the calculation of BMI (for example, men with obesity was considered a normal weight).

Earlier, British The Guardian published the results of a similar study. Among the people who participated in the study, was slightly less people evaluate themselves wrong (about 30%).

In this case, the difference in the nature of the error in both men and women was similar to a new study. Namely, most of the women overestimated their weight, and most of the men, on the contrary, underestimated.

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