The radiation from the computer - It does not harm health

The radiation from the computer - It does not harm health

Like many devices that consume electricity, computers, and all that relate to them - emit electromagnetic radiation, which in large quantities are very harmful to human health. With the harm caused by electromagnetic radiation, exudes from the computer, matched only by microwave. But as is known, near the microwave oven we spend a very small amount of time before a computer screen sitting hours and sometimes practically days.

In addition, the computer not only harm from electromagnetic radiation. Even if his screen to bring a device that measures the radioactivity and compare the results with readings taken from TV, it turns out that sitting in a computer or laptop, man gets 1-nu-tenth more radiation than if sitting at 50 cm from the screen TV-21 size n dpi. Minus, using a powerful computer is dust, which he passes through itself through the cooling system. And if the room is not properly ventilated, the whole dust rises up to the ceiling, and then gradually lowered, settling on various subjects. And the harm of this whole process is that the circulation of dust movement happens all the time. The only exceptions are new types of laptops that with today's technology, do not require such cooling systems. Based on all of the above, the computer - this is one of the most dangerous sources of radiation in the home. In addition, the radiation from the computer is able to provoke the emergence of prostatitis, about which there are still reasons for prostatitis, read this article.

Nowadays, about the dangers of exposure to electromagnetic radiation from various devices, including PC, virtually nothing is known. This lack of knowledge is based on the fact that such technology has recently entered into our life that does not allow us to gather all the necessary statistical information. But some details still managed to get. Thus, for example, was found with an accuracy that helps reduce electromagnetic radiation immunity provokes disorder in the nervous system it is no longer a balanced condition. Electromagnetic radiation is harmful during pregnancy not only benefits but also the mother.

What should I do to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of the computer?

1. Place the monitor on my own two feet and at a right angle, if it is possible to do this even further, be sure to use such.

2. Do not use monitors with cathode-ray tube, the harm caused by electromagnetic radiation when they are used, several times higher than LCD monitors.

3. Place the system unit as far as possible from him. For a safer use of their transport to the utility room and the room where people work are only monitors and input devices.

4. Be sure to turn off the computer,
if it going for a long time not to use. Even if briefly excommunicated, try to use Hibernate.

5. Save time using the computer as possible. If, under the terms of their professional activities you need to reside on the computer, you should refrain from spending free time for the monitor screen. The body needs a good rest and fresh air after a long-term negative impact on your computer.

6. Take breaks at work at the computer. The most ideal option is considered a break for 15 minutes after each hour of work. If this is not possible, take breaks in all possible intervals.

Harm from computer to health

Dust and other harmful entities that pass through a computer, can cause allergic reactions, read about it in detail cause allergies. In addition to electromagnetic radiation at the computer generated electrostatic field, it is capable of deionized ambient air. Given that air is constantly circulated through the cooling system in a special computer, for two hours at a room of 10 square meters 10 is completely covered by such air. Computer work during long heated, which makes the air not only weakly ionized, and dry. Such air is very harmful, it is hard to breathe and contributes in a favorable environment, the development of many allergic diseases and respiratory diseases respectively. Watch your health and reduce the harmful effects of maximum computer in your life.

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