White discharge and itching in women does not bode well

White discharge and itching in women does not bode well

White discharge and itching can be a sign of the occurrence of gynecological disease. Consider a disease that can be accompanied by these symptoms.

Candidiasis (thrush) - fungal infection.

Causes of: low immunity, antibiotics, chemical contraception, hormonal disorders, frequent douching, infected sexual partner, poor diet, obesity, and constipation.

Symptoms of thrush: white discharge and itching, sour odor, painful urination.

Used in the treatment of antifungal drugs, and should take them both sexual partners at the same time.

2 Bacterial vaginosis - reduction in the number of lactobacilli in the microflora of the vagina is not a venereal disease.

Causes of: hormonal background, the frequent use of spermicides, antibiotics or combined oral contraceptives, infection of sexual partners, frequent douching.

Symptoms: white discharge in women and itching can be thick or liquid, odor of secretions.

Treatment: the use of antifungal drugs.

Sometimes whites arise due to improper intimate hygiene, sedentary lifestyle or frequent douching.

Candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, the most common diseases of the female reproductive system and require prompt treatment. So if you have any white discharge and itching immediately consult a doctor.

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