How to make the elastic Breast

How to make the elastic Breast

The desire to have a beautiful and firmer breasts - absolutely natural for every woman. We have already talked about the reasons that lead to the deterioration of the elastic chest and its forms, and today we're talking about - how to make breasts firmer, return her beauty.

Firm breasts and sports exercises.

No muscle tone to speak about breast elasticity breast is not necessary. The ideal situation - when you are in the fitness center exercises aimed at strong pectoral muscles. However, simple home exercises to help you make the breasts firm.

1 Pressure. The most simple exercise to firm breasts. Stand facing a wall and lean against the wall with his hands. With all the force push on the wall as if you want to push it for 10 seconds. Relax, shake hands. Repeat 10 times.

2 Stand up straight, bend your elbows, pressing his hand to her thighs. Try to connect the elbows behind his back, but not in spurts, and slowly stretching the muscles for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

3 Well developed muscles, helps make the breast firm and such advice. Connect the palms in front of chest and push them hard at each other for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.

4 "Dry" breaststroke. If you notice, those who swim a lot, always firm breasts. If you can not use the swimming pool, do this effective exercise. Stand up straight, keep your back to the wall, tighten your chest muscles and make movements, as if sailing breaststroke. Make one leisurely strokes, keep the chest muscles tense.

Firm breasts and facials.

Why is makeup women often do not take into account, and in fact a good condition of the skin, the active metabolism in the upper chest are very important for the beauty and elasticity of the chest. There is a special makeup for this zone, creams, oil wraps, just need to ask about it in the stores. At home, make supple breasts also help ordinary masks, easily doable at home. Now watch the video where we show how to apply the mask to firm breasts.

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