How to reduce swelling during pregnancy?

How to reduce swelling during pregnancy

Many women during pregnancy are faced with the phenomenon as swelling and are wondering how to reduce the swelling in pregnancy. Considered acceptable swelling in pregnancy legs and feet (rear side) after a long load in the second half of the day: it accumulates in the body of accumulated fluid.

Any swelling during pregnancy can not be considered the norm?

But if swollen hands, face and stomach, you need to go to the doctor: check your blood pressure, as well as pass the necessary tests for protein in the urine. The fact that the so-called "dropsy pregnant" is often the beginning of serious complication - preeclampsia - when it placental function and, accordingly, the receipt of all necessary nutrients to the fetus violated.

How to reduce the usual swelling during pregnancy?

The basic principles of reducing edema during pregnancy are:

  • Prevent the accumulation of fluid in the body through a special diet;
  • Reducing the consumption of salt and sugar;
  • Active lifestyle;
  • Prolonged exposure to the outdoors.

Do I need to drink less?

Some people think that this is an option, how to reduce swelling in pregnancy. So assume wrongly. Today, doctors say that water is essential for normal fetal development and, on the contrary, its sharp decline may lead to the fact that the body would be to accumulate water "in reserve" - the swelling will be more. So you need to drink at least 1.5 liters, excluding soups and vegetables. Drinking plain water is best - you can with the addition of lemon, but the coffee is better to refuse.

What type of diet should be followed to reduce the swelling during pregnancy?

It is necessary to exclude all triggers. The main thing - to eat as little as possible salty (pickles, sauerkraut, herring, salted nuts, olives), spices. Need to give up carbonated drinks, as well as grilled and smoked. Once a week you can spend fasting day - to sit on the apples and juice.

What else you need to do to reduce the swelling?

You can not overwork, to walk in the heat in the summer, for a long time to sit in one position. If there are no contraindications, it is necessary to engage in fitness for pregnant women. It is best to fully relax and walk in the fresh air, do a foot massage and cool foot bath. It is also recommended during sleep to put your feet on the hill.

Why should not resort - it is a self-acceptance diuretic tablets to reduce the swelling in pregnancy: any action needs to be coordinated with your doctor.

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