Features of the second pregnancy

Features of the second pregnancy
Many women are interested in the question of whether there are features of the second pregnancy, and what they are. In this connection it should be noted that in the same woman all pregnancies occur in different ways. However, it is believed that the second pregnancy, with no health problems, flows much easier than the first.

However, the second pregnancy a woman noticed a lot faster on the familiar symptoms and the body as a whole. Despite the fact that the uterus is no longer comes in its original condition and is slightly larger, the woman noticed fetal movements about a month earlier than the first child-bearing. For this reason, increasing the stomach also occurs much sooner rather than at the first pregnancy.

A typical feature of the second pregnancy is lower abdominal location. This is due to the fact that after the first child of gestation abdominal muscles and ligaments are stretched and inevitably can not continue to tightly hold the growing fetus.

In this situation, there are advantages:
  • At low location belly woman can avoid a number of problems related to digestion.
  • Low position of the fetus contributes to the facilitation of the process of respiration.

But there are also negative aspects:
  • Low-lying fruit presses on your bladder and promotes frequent urination.
  • There is a strong pressure on the spine and lower back, so most doctors recommend wearing a special bandage that will be able to unload the back.

Be sure to say a few words about the second birth, which according to statistics become much easier and faster than the first. This is due to the fact that the cervix and the vaginal tissues become more elastic and the fetus becomes easier to pass through the birth canal. In addition, the process of cervical dilatation is much faster and less painful than at first birth.

The essential difference between the second delivery of the first in the postpartum period is considered more intense contractions of the uterus, which is akin to the feelings are birth pangs. Therefore, in this period, many women resort to painkillers, which may recommend a doctor who took delivery.

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