How to wear Power Balance bracelet

How to wear Power Balance bracelet 

Bracelet power balance - one of the newest technologies for blocking harmful for human electromagnetic radiation with a special hologram that reflects it. It does not have any impact on themselves appliances. But the human body begins to more efficiently spend their resources, resulting in the influx of forces there, improving mood, increase efficiency and stress. How to wear a bracelet power balance? Nothing is easier!


Bracelet power balance meet modern stylish design, you can choose almost any color, so it will not cause damage to your image. Many stars leave it as an accessory even on the red carpet. You can pick up a bracelet power balance different colors for different images, you can even combine them. Functional differences of the color shall not be possible to combine several shades and even wear several bracelets at once. However, each subsequent redoubles the protective function of the previous, but only add to it 20-30%.


Silicone - very handy for everyday use Material: soft and flexible. If you treat it with care, it will last longer and the year. His functions, he shall not lose, and after this period, the hologram will protect you in the early days, but the appearance is quite scruffy (subject to regular socks). However, due to the low price of this accessory, you can easily afford new.

How and when to wear

Power balance wear simple and easy - it should not fit snugly to the hand, making it difficult for blood circulation, it works at a distance up to 5cm., You can just keep it in your pocket.

There is one caveat, the first few days is better to shoot it at night: because you will feel a surge of strength, problems may arise with sleep. However, after a couple of days you have quite adapt and get used to part with this accessory.

Wear a bracelet power balance is not only to keep pace with the times and have a stylish accessory but also take care of your health! Purchase a bracelet for yourself and take care of your loved ones!

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