Make yourself a promise that you will get is the most important, but it's only the beginning. The key to your promise is fulfilled is the distance between what you do and what you're actually doing. The desire is there, you just need a plan.
Well, I can assure you that if you follow the strategies I'll explain in a moment go will achieve progressively losing weight. And I do not mean to say, but because they are strategies that I've seen that have worked with some of my clients.
Be very specific
When you goal you set is very fuzzy, like "I want to lose weight" you're predestining to fail in order.
Motivation difference appears when your brain where parts and where to go. When your goal is more specific (I lose 5 kilos), the difference is clear, and your brain begins to create resources (attention, memory, effort, willpower, etc.) to this problem.
Get such a clear goal makes you look exactly the face with success. That's motivation.
Creates a meal plan
Coming face to face with unexpected temptations do you finish eating that sabotages your weight loss goal. The best way to ensure you're making the best choices is to create a plan "if-then"
"If it comes to dessert, then I ask for a coffee"
"If I'm in a working lunch, then I'll have a salad"
Studies say that having a plan of this style has 3 times more likely to end with the arrival in the target set.
Track of your progress
The dire by active and passive. With a plan all better. Keep track of what you eat each day, the exercise you've done, and weigh yourself every 3 or 4 days. Des this way you will know where you are at all times.
Yes, I recommend you look to the future and not the past. I mean, you focus more on what is in what you wear. Yes, I know I never thought I'd say something. But this is the exception that proves the rule. If you want to lose 10 kilos and have already lost 3, think you get 7 for reaching the goal. The other way you will generate a sense of accomplishment that can prematurely make you satisfied with your current weight and throw in the towel early.
Be realistic and optimistic
As much as we want to believe our eyes, losing weight is not as easy. It is important to understand this. Think you're going to accomplish is the key, but I think that is going to easily achieve even more key. And in a study of obese women, those who thought they were going to lose weight easily, lose 24 pounds less than those who knew it would be harder.
People who succeed and reach the goal work harder and better to deal with planning problems, and if they continue to get more complicated.
Strengthens your willpower
The self-control is like a muscle. Its strength varies depending on the person and the moment. Like our biceps may feel loose and gelatinous after training, your willpower when overstimulates also tired.
To strengthen choose an activity that requires effort on your part (like sit up straight when your back is bent), add it to your daily routine, and sees little step baby step. Instead of eliminating all fat before bed, you can remove only that bag of chips you have "if you're hungry" and replaced by a piece fruit for example.
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