It is known that pregnancy is not only the most wonderful time in a woman's life, but the ordeal. Indeed, the process of carrying a child is often accompanied by a variety of pains. But not all types of pain are physiologic and natural.
Often pain in the early weeks of pregnancy are aching and drawing character. If the pain is not too intense and pass quickly, and are not accompanied by spotting, then it means that there is stretching and softening of the tissue under the influence of hormones. This process is completely natural and should not cause concern.
Otherwise, under intense cramping pain that develops and is accompanied scarce spotting an urgent need to see a specialist.
Almost all women are in the early stages of pregnancy, familiar pain in the chest area. The fact is that since the conception breast preparing for the upcoming lactation and increases in size. Gradually breast soreness persists or becomes more moderate and does not cause much discomfort to the woman. Often in the first trimester of the breast is an allocation of colostrum - turbid liquid with a yellowish tinge. This is considered a normal process and should not cause concern.
It happens that the occurrence of pain in the early weeks of pregnancy can also indicate surgical pathologies such as appendicitis. Or be a symptom of inflammation of the urogenital system. If abdominal pain accompanied by discomfort when urinating, do not hesitate to appeal to the doctor. After infection, the treatment of which is not conducted in a timely manner may adversely affect the development of the baby and his health.
Thus, throughout the entire pregnancy, a woman will encounter all sorts of pain and symptoms. But should not be afraid of pregnancy, in most cases, the pain is a normal physiological process and is accompanied by easy sipping pains which can easily endure.
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