Hyperacidity during pregnancy - How to cope?

Hyperacidity during pregnancy - How to cope

Many people know that during pregnancy, women are particularly vulnerable stomach. The entire period of childbearing may be accompanied by increased or decreased gastric acidity. In most cases, hyperacidity occurs during pregnancy, and it means that the woman's stomach produces much more acid than is necessary.

Cause increased acidity is considered a change in hormone levels that accompany pregnancy or increased sensitivity of pregnant women to smell and taste. In any case, for the adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of a woman just need special diet.

Strongly want to exclude the following products:

  • Black bread
  • Raw vegetables, marinades, pickles
  • Strong and fatty broths, including fungal
  • Onion, garlic, lemon
  • Smoked containing spices
  • Carbonated Drinks

During an exacerbation as entrees desirable use of mucous soups cereal oatmeal, barley and rice. To enhance the effect of the coating can be added to soups egg-milk mixture. Also extremely useful light vegetable soups or soups of baby food.

With increased acidity during pregnancy as the main dishes are recommended steam souffle lean veal, beef or pork. Also ideal for rabbit meat, turkey or chicken. Eating fish is not forbidden, this may include pike, cod and saffron cod. Useful is eating cereals or steam omelets. Showing of jelly drinks, alkaline water and rather weak tea.

All meals should not be too cold, but not too hot, the optimum temperature is considered 15 to 60 ° C. It is noteworthy that salt increases the production of gastric juice, so it stands to limit the use of up to 6-8 grams per day.

If, following such a diet, a woman still concerned about any symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consult an expert. Competent doctor will be able to assign the appropriate drugs that will not harm the baby while it is in the womb.

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