Many women are concerned about the issue , why menstruation sore abdomen , especially when the pain becomes unbearable and knock out of the ordinary rhythm of life. And how to determine the boundary of pain , followed by painful periods can be considered a pathology ?
Drawing pain during menstruation is felt in varying degrees, every woman , usually covering the lower abdomen and sometimes the lumbar region . In the normal case it is not expressed strongly and stops after a few hours after the onset of bleeding . But for various reasons ( complications after childbirth, abortion , viral diseases , installation IUD ) in women can become regular painful periods .
Gynecologists as the main reason for menstruation pain abdomen and disturbed menstrual cycle disorder called dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can be primary and secondary.
In the first case during menstruation excessive amounts of the hormone prostaglandin so affects the condition of the uterus that causes severe abdominal cramps, headaches, disruption of the intestinal tract. Often this condition is hereditary and is more common in young nulliparous women.
In the second case, the cause of disease are inflammatory diseases of female genitalia : infectious diseases , endometriosis , polyps , ovarian cysts , and others. Should consult your doctor if menstruation very sore abdomen , high fever and felt itchy genitals and painful urination . In the most severe case, a woman may experience dizziness and unbearable pain in the pelvic area . This condition is dangerous and may be started. Secondary dysmenorrhea is diagnosed and treatable easier than primary .
Dysmenorrhea is poorly treated , consisting in hormone replacement therapy and the elimination of comorbidities . To facilitate the general condition is recommended to walk in the fresh air , avoid the heavy load on the body and stress .
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