Mask for Hair to grow and strengthen

Mask for Hair to grow and strengthen
Agree, always nice to look well groomed long hair. To achieve this elegant result , the hair should be properly care , apply a hair mask to grow and strengthen .

In order to make a mask for the growth and strengthening hair , you can go to the hairdresser. Specialist will choose a professional tool . Also you can buy yourself a mask for hair in the respective stores. There is a third option. You can yourself at home, create a mask for the growth and strengthening hair .

Mask to grow and strengthen your hair at home

  • Mask for hair growth of burdock oil . Slightly warmed oil must be rubbed into the scalp and comb your hair . Wrap your head wrap and a warm towel . Leave for one hour. Rinse off the mask of burdock oil should warm water using shampoo.
  • Mask of tomatoes. You will need only one ripe fruit . It must stretch to get mashed . The resulting mass of the tomato should be worked into the hair roots and leave for some time . Then rinse your hair .
  • Mask of onions with honey. Grated onion should be mixed with honey. Quartered onions should take one part honey. The resulting mixture to rub into the hair roots , then wrap your head with a towel. 
  • After half an hour rinse with warm water, without the use of detergents .
  • Mustard Mask . Mustard powder is diluted with warm water to form a slurry . If the ends of the hair dry, before applying the mask is advisable to smear them in any heated cosmetic oil . The resulting mustard paste should be rubbed into the scalp and wrap your head in a towel . After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

There is a great variety of different masks for hair to grow and strengthen . But we should remember that healthy hair grows approximately per month per centimeter. If it does not , it means that your hair is not enough vitamins and minerals for proper growth . Change your diet .

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