How to Distinguish from Monthly Bleeding

How to Distinguish from Monthly Bleeding
Women often turn to gynecologists with the question how to distinguish from monthly bleeding . As is well known , are a normal monthly uterine bleeding . In a normal menstrual period lasts 4 to 7 days, and comes with an interval of 21-35 days.

Normal variant is bleeding associated with the maturation of the egg during ovulation. It can occur in the middle of the cycle ( between periods ) and has a slight and short duration (1-2 days) .

Another embodiment of a normal bleeding - so-called " implantation ". It may happen a few days after conception, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall . This bleeding is associated with a change in hormonal levels in pregnant and poses no danger.

All other types of blood loss - are pathology. They may indicate a variety of diseases and require immediate treatment to the doctor

Causes of uterine bleeding can be:

  • Psychological stress
  • Abortion
  • Fatigue and improper diet
  • Inflammation
  • Tumors of the uterus and ovaries
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Blood diseases

The main differences from monthly bleeding:

  • Bleeding more abundant than usual ( plentiful - is when two pads maximum volume is sufficient for an hour! )
  • Start earlier than normal (ie less than 21 days)
  • Selection of blood clots
  • Elevated temperature
  • Sharp and unpleasant odor discharge
  • Signs of anemia - pallor, low blood pressure , dizziness, rapid pulse it.d.

If the above symptoms - immediately call an ambulance ! If you are unsure or think that you know how to distinguish from monthly bleeding - refer to the gynecologist !

What can help a woman to the arrival of the doctor ( or going to) ? First, if possible , try to eliminate the exercise - do not exercise , do not lift weights ! Put a cold compress on the abdomen for 20 minutes and brew herbal tea. Have a good hemostatic effect nettle, yarrow , shepherd's purse ( decoction of shepherd's purse is contraindicated in pregnancy ) .

Many different causes of uterine bleeding, indicates the seriousness of this problem. So do not delay consultation with a physician. If an accurate diagnosis is urgently needed additional examination or doctor will decide . that there is a threat to life - that will need to be hospitalized .

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