6 Habits that Make you Accumulate more Belly fat

6 Habits that Make you Accumulate more Belly fat
 We consider a thin person, clothing you looks good but when put on swimsuit / bikini, you realize that your belly fat that has accumulated over the rest of the body.

I want to tell the possible reasons why that fat accumulates in your belly and stays there for several months or even forever if you do nothing.

1. Infants carbohydrate drinks regularly.

Can not go a day without taking a Coca Cola? If so, you're not taking care of your body as it deserves. According to recent studies, eating one or two cans of soft drink a day makes your waist widening to 5 times faster than if you took those drinks with less frequency.

The problem comes from the amount of sugar used in these drinks, which makes the "key of hunger" is activated. Thus you end up eating more.

On the other hand, the light drinks are also a good option since they carry artificial sweeteners give even hungrier than normal sugary drinks.

The solution is to make healthy smoothies, fruit juices, or a glass of water with lemon and mint leaves. Also, if you take a carbonated beverage're messing empty calories.

2. You use big plates.

It seems strange, but the bigger the dish you put on the table, the more you want to fill. This is like a bag: the bigger your bag, the more stuff you put inside. If you wear a "normal" number plate will be empty and your brain think you're eating less.

3. Dinners too late.

While it is true that your body burns fat while you sleep, it may not happen the same if you sleep with a full stomach. Besides make you accumulate more fat dinner late increases the risk of redores and ebbs, and indigestion.

To prevent it try to make small meals and lighter at night and do not sleep at least three hours after you finish. If you can take fruit as snacks if you get hungry, instead of going to the fridge and grab the first thing you see.

4. Comes when you are sad or angry.

It is a very common disease in our society. Every time this happens to you try to take a nap instead of chest and back get between a burger and fries. Eat with these emotional situations will not do feel better. All you can eat to make of a belly that is stressed over will stress even more. If you're hungry and you know you should not eat then drink water, call your best friend or go for a walk. Choose an activity that has nothing to do with eating.In addition you will be burning extra calories!

 5. Only eat low-fat meal.

Many people assume that the high-fat meal causes your body accumulates more fat. The truth is that monounsaturated fats are not bad for our body. Avocados, olive oil and seeds (flax, oats, etc.) help eliminate abdominal fat. Beware of low-fat meal, since manufacturers often add more sugar than usual to these products.

6. You sleep little.

Ideally an adult sleep at least 7 hours a day. When not enough sleep, your levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) increases and you have more desire to eat anything that has sugar. With that in mind it is difficult to get rid of the belly. To balance cortisol levels you must keep your body rested. In addition you will be increasing your levels of leptin, the hormone responsible for controlling your appetite.

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