10 Exercises for a Firmer chest

10 Exercises for a Firmer chest

Many times when a woman has fallen chest believes that nothing can be done, which is the skin that has hook, etc.. Well, if there's much of why it is also true that if you can tone your pectoral muscles end up raising your breasts.

Let's see some exercises that will make your chest muscles raise your breasts in the best way possible.

1.  Arms

Lie face down on the floor placed the palms next to your chest. Push to end arms outstretched and high and straight body (in tension). This is a repeat. Go back down and up and notice how your arms and chest are working. If you can not make a complete flex then you can support your knees on the floor to reduce leverage and make it easier. Still remember to keep your knees, hips and shoulders aligned so that the exercise is 100% effective.

Why it works

Funds of arms is one of the best exercises to work your body as a whole, as it not only works but also the breastplate shoulders, back, abs, and arms. Additionally you can do in the gym or at home it does not require material.

2 . Bench press on fit-ball

Lie on your back on a fit-ball making sure your blades have room to move . Your knees should be at 90 °. Hold 2 dumbbells on either side of your chest and take them to the roof to finish with arms outstretched . Go down the stairs to the chest and you have completed one rep. The weight depends on your level , strength, and balance on fit-ball.

Why it works

These exercises also work the triceps. Also, as you do on an unstable surface such as the fit-ball , also works your core muscles and help you improve your balance and coordination.

3 . Triceps

Sit back on a chair and supports the palms of his hands on her . Keep the legs straight and push the chair down so that your body off the ground . When your body runs out extended then you go back down to the starting position .

Why it works

Although this exercise was sole command to work the triceps , the truth is that it also makes a great impact on the breastplate.

4. Releases balloon

Grab a medicine ball and grab it with both hands . Pick it up over his head and throw him hard against the floor as you contract your abs .

Why it works

This exercise is fun, de-stressing and very complete. Work your chest, shoulders , abdomen , arms, and even legs. And as a bonus , it is also an excellent cardiovascular workout.

5 . Openings

Position yourself as if you were doing a bench press on fit-ball. This time will depart with outstretched arms holding dumbbells (weight you will be quite less than you use for the bench press ) . The movement will be like if you gave a hug, an arc with both hands until it come together in front of you . I recommend you keep your elbows with a slight bend .

Why it works

We are facing a more isolated than the bench press exercise. This means you are working only part of the whole chest .

6. Bur-pees

Celebrities ... Started doing bur-pees fund arm , keep your hands on the floor and jumped on the feet to the hands. Merge and jump . Flexionarte again as fall to support hands , legs kick back and redo a background of arms.

Why it works

This exercise is very intense and not everyone can do it properly. It is a cardiovascular work and work your chest, shoulders and arms

7. Funds on medicine ball

You have to try to make the funds arm of point 1 but this time with his hands on a medicine ball. Make a full background and bring the right hand down to another bending. Re- do the other with both hands on the ball , and another with the left hand on the floor. How many you think you can do?

Why it works

By including an unstable surface we are working at all levels ( due to imbalance ) and forcing the core work .

8. Pull over on fit-ball

Lie on your back on a fit-ball only support the top of the back ( dorsal ) . Supports feet on the ground and keep the knees at 90 ° . Hold the dumbbells in front of chest with arms outstretched and together with each other . To begin the exercise you have to bring your arms back to end above your head. Controlling the movement back to the starting position and you have completed one rep.

Why it works

This exercise focuses on the pectoral muscles without impact on many muscles as in other exercises. To make it more intense can bring your feet together and knees.

9. Isometric contractions

Put yourself straight with knees slightly inflected . Board palms with a slight bend in your elbows. Do strength without losing palm to palm bending arms. Hold 30 seconds.

Why it works

Isometric exercises tone and strengthen joints.

10. Crosses arms

For this last exercise you need to put yourself on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your arms extended at shoulder width and pointing at the ceiling. Squeeze your fingers with each other to tighten the arms and go until closing arms are crossed in front of your chest. Controlling the movement in each time . For this exercise to be effective you must maintain maximum tension in your arms and your chest.

Why it works

This exercise is great for people just starting out or you do not have dumbbells. If you tense your body so you can make voluntary movement is very intense.

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