Reasons for Monthly Come a Week Earlier

Reasons for Monthly Come a Week Earlier

 Menoschesis usually indicates pregnancy. But it does happen and inverse situation where monthly came a week earlier. What could cause such a phenomenon and what to do in such a situation?

No matter how trite it sounds , but hormonal disorders are a common cause menstrual irregularities. In young girls , a cycle which has not yet been established, such a situation is possible, therefore, to raise the alarm should not prematurely . But most of all , the phenomenon affects women climacteric period. If your menstrual cycle becomes less than 21 days and monthly went a week earlier , the phenomenon that is called polimenoreya . Gradually the process of ovulation stops and stops producing new eggs and monthly cease completely . The woman begins menopause . In such situations, monthly, come a week earlier , are the norm .

But not all the hormonal changes can be as harmless . Disruption of the menstrual cycle may indicate that in women is not such specific female hormones like progesterone or estrogen or, alternatively , the excess estrogen. To avoid this , you need to be tested for the presence of these hormones in the case of the need to pass the recovery rate .

In addition to hormones , periods may begin a week earlier due to possible inflammation in the pelvic area.

Cysts, fibroids, ie various types of tumors and tumor, unfortunately, not less common reason for that month came a week earlier.

In all cases, self-diagnosis and self-medication is extremely dangerous, as it can be broken reproductive function.

Apart from the above discussed reasons, try to avoid stressful situations (both emotional and physical) and unrest. Because we all know that the basis of all disease is stress.

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