Plentiful monthly clotted - Causes are not always obvious

Plentiful monthly clotted - Causes are not always obvious

Every woman during menstruation experiencing discomfort , even if the nature of the discharge is not plentiful. Heavy menstrual blood clots , delivering not only discomfort , but also may be due to pathology . Consider the main causes of heavy menstrual going with clots .

One reason is atypical uterine structure , in other words , abnormal structure. Due to the fact that this form of uterine anomaly has an irregular shape , which contributes to the delay during menstruation blood and its stagnation. As a consequence , menstruation complemented facing clots. At the same time , you may experience severe pain in the abdomen and lower back .

Many women wonder why abundantly go monthly with clots , if they have such anomalies are observed. In this case, it is possible that occurred in a woman's hormonal changes. Under the influence of hormones may increase estrogen production , which in turn stimulates the active growth of the endometrium . Menstruation she rejected , and there are abundant monthly blood clots .

Common cause of heavy menstrual period with clots becomes IUD . While in women during menstruation pain intensified . If you have the opportunity to change to an alternative method of contraception , it is advisable to do so.

Certainly, the presence of tumors or diseases in the pelvic area , such as fibroids , polyps , endometriosis, may be accompanied by a heavy menstrual period with blood clots . Abdominal pain and irregular menstrual cycles are additional signals that a woman's body is not all right . Profuse menstruation can contribute to anemia , so do not hesitate to appeal to the specialist.

Due to the fact that the causes of heavy menstrual going clots varied, the woman should be screened and pass a series of tests to determine and eliminate them .

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