How to Lower Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

How to Lower Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

Pregnancy and child are waiting for one of the happiest moments in the life of every woman. In this period of time, the body of a pregnant woman is experiencing huge hormonal changes and, unfortunately, is not immune to various unpleasant surprises, one of which is high blood pressure. It is therefore important to know how to lower blood pressure during pregnancy, without causing harm to the future baby.

Typically, the pressure is increased in pregnant women after 20 weeks, when the growing fetus creates already enormous strain on the heart due to increased future moms circulating blood volume. With special attention should be paid to the health of the pregnant woman who have any health complications, whether overweight, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, or other organs. So answering the question of how to reduce pressure during pregnancy, you need to first find out the reason because of which it rises.

Measure the pressure recommended pregnant every day, especially for women with any complications. In this case it is recommended to use electronic tonometers clearly following the instructions. Better measure pressure in a relaxed atmosphere, before making any physical activity or taking coffee (strong tea) and medicines.

Need to change something !

 If you are in position, and you are constantly worried about high blood pressure , try first radically change your diet . Try not to abuse a lot of fluid intake , reduce or even abstain for a period of childbearing consumption of coffee and spirits , eat unsalted or salted food. At the same time, you can safely treat yourself to fresh vegetables (cabbage , carrots ) and fruits. Particularly useful in this case will be for you cranberry mousse , birch (1 cup per day) , rowan or beet juice ( half a cup 2 times a day for half an hour before meals ) .

Also good Shiftmen in combating high blood pressure can become pumpkin broth with honey . Prepare it very simple: cut the pumpkin into pieces, cook until tender , cool and eat with honey .

If you feel that your pressure begins to rise , you need to lie down immediately and eliminate background noise . Try to relax , think about the good, in any case, do not strain your eyes yet , put reading and watching TV for a while. If possible , take a warm shower.

Of course, the most loyal and competent answer how to lower blood pressure during pregnancy, you can only give your doctor . Therefore, in any case should not neglect visiting the gynecologist as high blood pressure can affect not only the health of future moms , but also nervous and cardiac activity of your baby .

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