How to Determine Pregnancy with Iodine

How to Determine Pregnancy with Iodine

Modern medicine has a lot of ways to determine pregnancy. Traditional medicine is not far behind. In her arsenal is also a lot of money for this purpose: onions, soda, iodine, engagement ring and many others. Alarmed, the woman is not in a hurry to the pharmacy, and wants to check in practice, how to determine pregnancy with iodine.

Methods to determine pregnancy using iodine

Outset that determine pregnancy iodine can only be in the early stages to 9-10 weeks.

Method 1

  • For the dough you will need : a clean jar , morning urine , pipette .
  • Brought together into a clean jar morning urine , pipette gently drip one drop of iodine. If a drop remained on the surface , not spread out and drowned , a woman can congratulate pregnancy .
  • If a drop flowed a blur or drowned , no reason to worry .

Method 2

  • For the dough you will need : a strip of white paper , morning urine .
  • To determine pregnancy with iodine , necessary to moisten the strip in the urine, drip drop of iodine on it and follow the change of color.
  • If the color of the iodine became purple, a pregnancy test is positive.
  • If the color remained unchanged brown, no pregnancy.

When you trust traditional medicine, which often helps good advice, you can try to determine pregnancy with iodine and cheer yourself up. A doubt, resort to traditional medicine tests. Good health and the addition in the family.

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