Discomfort in the Vagina - The Main Causes

Discomfort in the Vagina - The Main Causes

Quite often, for various reasons, women and girls experience discomfort in the vagina. Irritation, itching, burning, vaginal dryness - can become a cause of depressed physical and mental state. Should understand the causes of discomfort and take measures to eliminate them.

Causes discomfort in the vagina

Antibiotics are the main cause of discomfort in the vagina. This is due to the fact that drugs destroy all microorganisms is as helpful, protective functions and disease that cause various diseases. If more antibiotics kill beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina , creating an acidic environment that prevents the propagation of "harmful" bacteria. While significantly reducing the number of lactobacilli , Wednesday ceases to be acidic, and therefore , it becomes favorable for growth and reproduction of foreign bacteria .

Thrush - vaginal candidiasis . The disease is caused by an increase in the number of yeast-like fungi Candida, which when lowered immunity suppress lactobacilli . Even with the full effective treatment discomfort in the genitals may bother about a month , as long as the natural microflora is restored completely.

Hormonal failure . By reducing the levels of the female hormone estrogen, which stimulates the production of natural lubrication of the vagina glands , there is vaginal dryness , which causes severe discomfort . Hormonal failure happens under stress during pregnancy, after childbirth, to menopause and puberty .

Discomfort in the vagina may occur for many different reasons. Therefore, it is crucial to see a doctor to determine the factors that caused the symptom, and then take steps to eliminate them.

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