Causes of Failure Monthly

Causes of Failure Monthly

In the life of almost every woman's monthly periodically crashes . And if in the first year of the onset of menstruation is normal , then at a later time, it is often the consequence of hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes , genetic diseases.

There are two types of failure month - gipermenstrualny ( characterized by frequent and long secretions ) and hypomenstrual (elongation cycle meager allocation ) syndromes . Both types of disorders are dangerous and can lead to serious diseases of the uterus.

There are many causes of failure period.

  • Puberty - in adolescence is actively developing reproductive system of girls and therefore there are hormonal disruptions , which sometimes lead to irregular cycles . If the condition has stabilized after the first year of menstruation, it is a reason to visit the doctor.
  • Stress - a woman's body is very sensitive to the change in the emotional side of life.
  • Climate change also affects the hormonal woman.
  • Hormonal failure
  • Obesity - estrogen (female sex hormones) are produced by the ovaries , and except in the subcutaneous fat , so the body " donuts " produce more hormones. As a result of hormonal skew blocks estrogen production by the ovaries , and as a result - a failure period.
  • Pregnancy
  • Sudden weight loss - excessive weight loss ( more than 500 g per week ) leads to the cessation of estrogen production and the cessation of ovulation.
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Climax - due to the fact that changes in the cells of the ovary, the pituitary gland and hypothalamus do not occur simultaneously , ovulation can occur irregularly, which leads either to later pregnancy, or to increased estrogen levels in the body.
  • Hormonal contraceptives - in their regular intake of the hypothalamic- pituitary system and ovaries is locked and remove the drug in women with anovulatory cycle begins gipertormozhenie hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries. Therefore, selection, and the abolition of hormonal drugs should conduct physician .

In order to prevent the failure of monthly , every woman should take care of their health. Should give up bad habits ( alcohol, smoking ) , which adversely affect the whole body , especially the endocrine system ; eat right ( particularly useful products that improve hemoglobin , fruits , greens ), avoid mono diets ; give your body the necessary amount of exercise ; avoid stress. Any failure monthly should immediately consult a gynecologist. And remember - the sooner you contact the person , the easier it will be to get rid of health problems.

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