Can you Get Pregnant with Irregular periods

Can you Get Pregnant with Irregular periods

Regular menstrual cycle - this is one of the most important indicators , which suggests that female reproductive function is not compromised. With regular menstrual cycle, pregnancy planning becomes easier and easier. But can you become pregnant while irregular menstruation or an occasion for examination and follow-up treatment ? On this important topic today and we 'll talk.

What is meant by irregular menstruation cycle ? If your menstrual cycle is less than 28 days , mesyachye come irregularly, delayed or , on the contrary , before the due date , then we are talking about an irregular cycle . Unfortunately , there is no universal advice tells you how to get pregnant with irregular periods , as the reasons which provoked crashes, can be quite varied. External stimuli such as stress , severe exercise, medication can help to ensure that menstruation cycle broken .

But as a rule , under the normalization of their physical and mental condition , or after stopping lekarstr cycle and quickly restored to normal. Can you get pregnant with irregular periods in such a situation ? The answer is yes .

Another thing is how to get pregnant with irregular periods , failure which lead to inflammation or diseases of the female reproductive system. In this case , to solve these problems alone will not succeed until the time until it is restored cycle and ovulation , pregnancy is hardly possible. Disorders are a frequent cause of pathological processes in the ovaries which are not due to ovulation , and hence the pregnancy .

 Examination by a gynecologist can help identify abnormalities associated with the violation of the ovaries or the presence of diseases that prevent their normal operation. Most importantly do not forget that 40% of cases it is an irregular cycle is the cause of infertility , so in a timely manner , pay attention to any changes .

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