Are There Periods During Pregnancy?

Are There Periods During Pregnancy
 Indeed, the girls learn early that month pregnant does not happen. Why? Plausible answer can not always hear, knowledge of anatomy in oblivion. So when I saw blood on the strip, pregnant frightened and trying to find their own answer to the question whether there is a month of pregnancy.

There are situations that occur in the days of bleeding when used to come menstruation. What's this? To give an accurate answer, whether there are periods during pregnancy, knowledge of anatomy is necessary to recall.

In a woman's ovaries are egg. When the egg matures, it enters the fallopian tube for fertilization. If this does not happen, it breaks away from the walls of the uterus and, together with the mucous layer was cut out from the body. So occur monthly.

But women in early pregnancy happen sometimes bloody discharge that their confusing. Here again, the question whether there monthly pregnancy .

However, allocation of pregnancy differ from menstrual and not the norm. This is a serious reason to seek medical attention. Because simple arguments suggest , if there is bleeding, is the rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. Along with him come out of the body and the fertilized egg , that is , it may be a miscarriage.

Nevertheless , many women giving birth argue that there are periods during pregnancy , and with them, nothing happened.
When monthly during pregnancy is not dangerous

Considered the safest bleeding in early pregnancy when implanted ovum . Although be aware that this is just a few drops of blood on the underwear of the future mother.

Sometimes two different ovaries mature egg. One of them is impregnated and the other rejected , then there are periods during pregnancy .

Monthly possible in violation of hormonal levels when there is an excess of male hormones. Fortunately such a pathology corrected hormonal drugs that are prescribed .
Of bleeding during pregnancy - alarm

Most doctors believe that the amount of bleeding is a sign of an imminent threat of miscarriage. This occurs most often in the first trimester .

Such separation can be caused by various infectious or inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs , hormonal disorders , abnormalities of fetal development .

Each of these states , responding to a question whether there is a month during pregnancy can be dangerous for the health of mother and her unborn baby. Immediately consult a doctor , the woman receives drugs that prevent the occurrence of abortion and allow bear fruit.

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