Top Homemade Masks for Bleached Hair

Homemade mask for bleached hair will help restore their structure after clarification , give it more depth , beauty and healthy glow .

All masks are applied to clean hair in the absence of contraindications to their ingredients and washed down the passage of time with warm water.

Onion mask
Take 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic , rub with them one on a fine grater , squeeze the juice . To this mixture add the juice of 1 lemon and 50 ml of olive oil , stir and all applied to the hair . Better to put the mask in the evening for 15 minutes and rinse , add a few crystals of citric acid.

Curd mask
50 g of cottage cheese should be carefully knead, add the mayonnaise 50 ml and 50 ml of olive oil, stir and put on hair and after 20 minutes rinse with warm water.

Herbal mask
The pharmacy buy dried herbs and mix 1 tbsp each of them (sage, marjoram, plantain, nettle). Mixture brew boiling water (0.5 L). In infusion add content 5 vitamin A capsules and 5 capsules with vitamin E, and then 50 ml of liquid honey, mix well. Wet hair in this infusion, wrap a dry towel, and after 20 minutes, rinse.

Fruit mask
Grind 1 kiwi and 1 orange pulp using a blender , add the mixture of 30 ml of honey and mix well. Mask for bleached hair , apply to dry hair for 15 minutes.

Egg mask
1 egg and beat with a mixer , continuing to whisk, add to it ½ packs of cottage cheese. Then pour into a mask Article 0.5 . light beer , stir and wait 10 minutes , then apply for 20 minutes on hair.

Masks for bleached hair also can be made from banana and egg yolk , as well affect the process of hair restoration after clarification aloe juice : a little it is desirable to add drops in each mask . In addition to these and other household masks in modern cosmetology there are many effective means of industrial production for the restoration and rehabilitation of bleached hair.

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