Some Interesting Facts on HIV/AIDS

 Some Interesting Facts on HIV/AIDS

Every person don't know about HIV/AIDS is a lentivirus that infects the units of the body and attacks the immune scheme making a individual ill and easily exposed to any infections. It can be transmitted through unprotected sex, body-fluid fusion, and even slashes or open tissues in the body.

Founded on statistical notes, there are about 2.7 million people in 2010 identified to be infected with HIV. Today, it is approximated that there are about 34 million persons who are dwelling with HIV around the world. The appalling number of persons contaminated with HIV/AIDS continues to augment and this evolving a global outbreak.

HIV/AIDS contaminates cells of the immune scheme

The HIV/AIDS pollution outcomes in worsening of the immune scheme, disability of crucial body parts to function normally, and shattering down the proficiency of the body to battle harmful microorganism and other infections. If HIV/AIDS is not treated, it can soon lead to came by Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. This is the inferior stage of HIV/AIDS pollution were more diseases and other cancer related-issues happen.

HIV/AIDS can be conveyed in several ways

• Unprotected intercourse or oral sex (anal or vaginal) with an HIV-AIDS affirmative person

• Transfusion of body-fluid

• Distributing of syringes, needles and other pointed-sharp devices

• Breast feeding by an contaminated mother or throughout pregnancy and childbirth

• Exposure to open tissue or wounds

HIV-AIDS is known as the world's famous infectious murdered

It has been noted that there are about 25 million persons in total who have already past away because of HIV/AIDS and an approximated 1.7 million persons deceased in 2011.

According to 2011 HIV/AIDS statistics, 3.34 million of the total HIV/AIDS positive persons are young kids. Most of the young kids dwelling in sub-Saharan Africa are contaminated by their mothers throughout pregnancy, giving birth, or breastfeeding. There are over 900 baby offspring who are being contaminated by the virus every day. About 57% of HIV/AIDS affirmative pregnant women obtained the most hardworking and productive drug regimens to prevent the HIV/AIDS virus mother-to-child transmission.

HIV/AIDS is also the strongest risk component for evolving active tuberculosis. roughly 430,000 tuberculosis related-deaths in the identical year, occurred among HIV/AIDS positive people.

Blend Antiretroviral Therapy or ART prevents the multiplication of the HIV/AIDS virus

HIV if not treated directly may lead to death. although today, reproduction of the HIV/AIDS virus may be stopped and stopped through ART. With this treatment, the immune cells of the body adept to reside longer and work to supply defence from diseases. If an HIV/AIDS affirmative person undergoes ART, his/her colleague (HIV-negative) will have a lesser risk of being infected through sexy transmission.

Today, the treatment of ART continually rises in all reduced- and middle-income countries. general, 54% (close to 15 million persons ) of the total persons diagnosed with the HIV/AIDS are suitable for treatment.

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