Why Are Men Becoming more feminine?

 Why Are Men Becoming more feminine

Its right all mens fall in love at first view, shop awfully and concern about our bodies. Are men the new women?

So why , are modern men evolving more feminine?

For those of you who balk at such a proposal, don’t shoot the messenger. detail is, an almost endless stream of polls, study investigations and new communal trends propose that, in many ways, the gap between the genders is concluding at an unprecedented rate.

Some of those ways are trivial, and some more profound. But do they propose that the age of the manly man is dead? Read on and decide for yourself.


According to new research for disability benevolent society Scope, men love shopping as much as women. What’s more, we are picking up shopping customs that appear distinctly, well, womanly.

For demonstration, the Scope study - undertook as part of the charity’s large Donate - One month, One million Items challenge, which aspires to get persons thinking about what they could donate to Scope stores - discovered that 89% of male respondents accepted to having between one and 15 unworn pieces of apparel in their wardrobes.

The sample discovered men had acquired apparel for special events that not ever occurred, were convinced into buying apparel they didn’t actually desire, and even shopped for garments they hoped to slim into. almost one in four also confessed to being guilty of impulse buying when out spending.

In other words, we’re beginning to make all the buying mistakes we accuse our wives and girlfriends of making. Is that significant? Not on its own, but does buying clothes we wish to “slim into” propose an expanding male aim on body image and attractiveness. It wouldn’t be the first part of evidence to issue that way...

Body image

Our new buying customs may be partially clarified by a new aim on body likeness. In detail, study by psychologists at the University of the West of England published last year discovered that, against all expectations, more men worry about their body form and look – beer bellies, man boobs or bald patches – than women do about how they gaze.

The study discovered that more men than women (80.7% against 75%) “talk in ways that promote anxiety about their body image”.

In other phrases, we’re now more expected to mention our flaws and imperfections than women are.

“These findings tell us that men are worried about body image, just like women. We knew that 'body talk' influenced women and juvenile persons and now we understand that it affects men too.

Not all the research on the subject proposes men are now more concerned with body image than women, but almost all of it finds that men are evolving more concentrated on how they gaze. In other phrases, in this exact area, we appear to be evolving more feminine.


Perhaps it’s no surprise that we’re so focused on how we gaze, given that we’re habitually on the lookout for “the one”. Yep, popular culture would have you believe that women drop in love at the drop of a hat, and men fall in love only when they’re good and prepared. If that were ever factual, it absolutely isn’t now.

According to study released in the periodical of communal Psychology in 2011, a huge majority of both men and women assume women are the first to drop in love and the first to say “I love you”.

And as it turned out, the very identical people, when inquired about their own connection past records, reported the opposite. In real life men described that they fell in love more rapidly and that they said “I love you” first.

All that was confirmed by a worldwide study of over 10,000 people released previous this year. It found that, while 28% of women had dropped in love at first sight, 48% of men had.

So it appears that the desire for love and romance (as opposed to sex) - once considered such a feminine trait - is evolving progressively a male one.


Modern men may be more despairing to leap into loving relationships because of their yearning for a family. It used to be said that women had a biological timepiece that men did their best to ignore, but the new truth is not so black and white.

In study offered to the British Sociological humanity in stride, sociologist Robin Hadley found that childless men were even more broody than childless women.

Hadley assertions that his study “challenges the common concept that women are much more likely to desire to have young kids than men”, and his study displayed that four out of 10 childless men seem ‘depressed’ about their childless life, contrasted with three out of 10 women. Seven out of 10 men confess to a ‘yearning’ to have a progeny.

Of course men have always liked to know-how fatherhood - the human rush would have past away out without that basic biological imperative - but it appears that, today, we desire it just as much as women want motherhood, and regret not having young kids more.

Work and home

That possibly chimes with the well-documented idea that masculine jobs are in decline, and more feminine workplaces are evolving the norm. Perhaps more men crave for family life as work life becomes more comparable (with expanding numbers of women in the workforce), less protected and less fulfilling.

In detail, statistics show that the number of men who stay home and look after children while their partners proceed out to work reached an all time high last year. There were 227,000 men residing at home to gaze after family between September and November 2012, a increase of 19,000 compared to the same time span in 2011 and the largest boost since figures began in 1993.

Meantime, a latest European charge report said that the sole feminine breadwinner was on the increase, and now accounted for 10% of families.

Of course, there are still numerous more households where the man is the sole breadwinner, and far more stay-at-home mums than dads, but the stepwise flattening out of gender functions - to a point where couples choose the best partition of paid and household work based on circumstance solely - seems to be a long period tendency.

And that might even be having a knock on effect in the going out with game. A study by researchers at York University discovered some clues of the turning around of the traits men and women conventionally deem attractive in the other. As societies become more identical, the investigators said, men location more value on intelligence and earning promise, and women place more value on examines.

So are men becoming more feminine ? We may be more romantic, family oriented and body attentive than we used to be, but whether that is a good or bad thing is open to inquiry. possibly men are just changing with the times and acclimatizing to new truths. possibly the most thriving men will be those who acclimatize best. Or possibly we are heading for a fall ? Tell us what you think below.

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