6 Diet Legend that Make You Fat

You locate in front of the mirror and sulk at the bags of fat getting stored around your belly. The next step entails browsing through diet articles in magazines, frequenting the dietician, cutting down on your carbs, exercising vigorously and eating like a pauper. But is it really helping you in losing weight? Probably not. Here are some diet myths debunked.

Legend 1: Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are full of fibre and are responsible for giving your body the much needed boost to work all day long. Of course, this does not mean you can binge on sugary foodstuffs and mouth watering donuts. The secret to proffering your body with the necessary carbs and yet restrain from piling up those pounds is to go for what dieticians call the “good carbs” such as fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains etc.

Legend 2: Eat Breakfast like a queen to eat less the rest of the day
Even if you have grown up listening to this advice from your elders, the truth is that in an attempt to eat a heavy breakfast you tend to gorge on more than required. Moreover, contrary to popular notion a heavy breakfast does not make you feel less hungry and eat lesser, thus not serving your purpose in either way.

Legend 3: Eating smaller meals frequently in a day
Even if you distribute your total calorie intake in six meals it is ultimately coming to the same calorie count. If you truly wish to cut down on your calories then build up lean muscles through exercising. This will actually boost metabolism and help curb those calories.

Legend 4: Any type of fat is a strict no-no
Do not start believing the labels on the bottles of colas and juices reading “Fat Free” for they are mere gimmicks which nicely add to your fats. Instead of absolutely abstaining from fats pop on some nuts or include fishes like mackerel, salmon and the likes in your meals to provide your body with the essential fatty acids.

Legend 5: Eating late or during the wee hours of night leads to weight gain
Late evening eaters can find solace in knowing that all advices showered on you by your well-wishers because of dining late is not true. The food you eat late does not simply get converted to fat. Eating a light dinner is however advisable in terms of health.

Legend 6: Artificial sweeteners are a healthier alternative
These can lead to digestive problems and even increase your craving for having sugary stuff. Putting a pinch of sugar in your tea or coffee is a better option.

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