4 General Tips for Skin Problems Solved

You glare at the petite pimple marks and acnes tarnishing your appearance and making you binge on all sorts of creams and anti-scar treatment lotions that are available in the market.

An late evening cocktail party, a few sleepless nights, days of stress at work and to top it all ageing- all contribute to skin problems. If you are disillusioned about your skin woes, here are some ways of solving 4 most common skin problems.

Shady Circles and Growth around Eyes-
One of the most common skin issue in today’s fast paced life is the occurrence of dark circles around the eyes. Blame it on the consecutive nights of working on your computer or keeping awake to rock your little baby. As if these were not enough, at times they are accompanied by puffy bags beneath the eyes.

Solution: Cutting down on your alcohol and salt intake will make them less prominent. Massaging eye-gel, refrigerated beforehand around the eyes in soft circular motion before going to bed can be a good treatment option. Green tea bags frozen briefly can also serve as a beneficial treatment alternative to puffy eyes.

Brown Spots- 
 If those brown splotches on your face and hands are making you go mad, you need not go into hiding. These are one of the common signs of ageing and caused by hyper pigmentation of the skin when exposed to sun.

Solution: Check out for a hydroquinone product or one with kojic acid, Vitamin C and niacinamide which are sure to erase those blemishes. Remember, you cannot expect drastic results overnight. If you are rummaging for a quicker solution, pay a visit to your dermatologist to ask for suggestions on Intense Pulse Light Treatments or acid peels,as they are more gentle on the skin than lasers.

Flaky Skin- 
 Flaky skin is often associated with eczema or more commonly dermatitis and can be caused by a number of things such as allergies to food or certain chemicals, extreme weather conditions, strong fragrances and shampoos and the likes. Dryness is also a sign of ageing; the more you age, the less is the capacity of your skin to retain moisture.

Solution: While you might be resorting to heavy lotions, it is more beneficial to go for seed oils such as grapeseed, apricot, rosehip and pomegranate which can percolate your skin easily. You can also make a mixture of lukewarm water and little bit of olive oil and soak cotton or washcloth in it to apply on skin.

Rising Pores- 
 If you notice your skin pores getting bigger, well they may be knelling the warning bell for future wrinkles. They are caused when the collagen walls of your skin start breaking down.

Solution: The solution to this skin issue is to keep your skin taut by use of serums and peptide creams. Applying scrubs and salicyclic acid help dissolve the extra grease and oil of your skin thus making it look radiant.

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